...becuase all blood is red

  • Vision: To restore North County to a safe, vibrant, sustainable, and economically sound community that remains diverse, and in doing so, help heal the racial strife and division that threatens to ruin North County altogether
  • Purpose: Economic development through a racial equality lens
  • Mission: The holistic betterment of our community; reversing the effects of racism, one person and cause at a time

Investing in Your Child’s Character by Guest Blogger Jaia M. Curtis

Summer is fast approaching and soon everywhere we look we will see children.  Our youth are valuable contributors to the community. Just like adults, their attitudes and behaviors help to determine the current and future atmosphere of our Read more

Investing in Your Child’s Character by Guest Blogger Jaia M. Curtis

Summer is fast approaching and soon everywhere we look we will see children.  Our youth are valuable contributors to the community. Just like adults, their attitudes and behaviors help to determine the current and future atmosphere of our Read more

Investing in Your Child’s Character by Guest Blogger Jaia M. Curtis

Summer is fast approaching and soon everywhere we look we will see children.  Our youth are valuable contributors to the community. Just like adults, their attitudes and behaviors help to determine the current and future atmosphere of our Read more

Investing in Your Child’s Character by Guest Blogger Jaia M. Curtis

Summer is fast approaching and soon everywhere we look we will see children.  Our youth are valuable contributors to the community. Just like adults, their attitudes and behaviors help to determine the current and future atmosphere of our Read more