To help families prepare for school, A Red Circle hosted “Back to School with Books!” We helped around 300 children prepare for the upcoming school year. Each family also received a $20 credit to purchase books from Eyeseeme bookstore. In total, Eyeseeme sold 792 books for about $7000 worth of proceeds!
We collected mountains of notebooks, pencils and other books for the event. Children picked out one free book from a selection we offered. They were also able to purchase books with the $20 credit offered by A Red Circle and First Bank. Along with A Red Circle and First Bank, Turn the Page STL sponsored the event.
Families got peaches, apples and snow cones to enjoy while receiving their books and supplies. We offered plenty of food pantry items for families as well!
A 20-year study found that just having a home library increases academic success, development of vocabulary, attention spans, and can be linked to job attainment later on in life. With your support, we had the joy of being able to help children onto those paths. Reading is crucial. Seeing your own stories reflected in what you read is even more so.
We are looking forward to next year! We are planning on having even more school supplies and books than before. Children want to learn. They want to do well in school. It’s a matter of having the tools and the care to succeed.
– Elizabeth Joseph (left) is a student at Washington University and the Executive Assistant at A Red Circle.